Friday, 11 October 2013


I dreamt of cling wrap and serial killers last night and I woke up essentially just unable to move because I was in sleep paralysis and when I tried to close my eyes the image of a kitchen knife piercing through cling wrap towards me just kept reappearing. So I lay there with my eyes open and unable to move for a while.

From whatever little I remember - it had something to do with thin but not beautiful women. Four in a row. They're those types that you will see following high fashion, but maybe lacking about 700 calories in their diet daily. I remember laughter, them fading, like a movie pan out along the corridor. Then cling wrap over my face and metal.

Why do we want and crave beauty? When we know, that starving ourselves is terrible and that heels mean weaker bones in the future. Besides, corsets are really really tight and you need to go for training before you can wear one so you don't, you know, die from internal bleeding or from puncturing your lungs.

10 bucks says it's because somewhere deep down we crave being just a little broken, to have something wrong with us that MAYBE someone will notice. To have a larger wound, to fall just a bit sicker so your co-workers are obliged to be nicer to you - it's no use suffering in silence.