Monday, 21 October 2013

No one should try to hug the rain

"Here is that... um... I was doing some shit poem"
She is a lopsided soliloquy. A wounded symphony played by an orchestra of her family’s “I-told-you-so”s. A tattered woman who bleeds like an oak tree. Her life story is just a sandpaper love song written on a napkin full of all the reasons why no one should ever try to hug the rain. You always end up soaking wet and by yourself. 
She: a rusty faucet, dripping self esteem that falls quicker than short skirts in motels when the sun blinks for too long. You see, when confidence hits the ground, it echoes like sin in a room full of God, and I could hear her coming a mile away. She has violin strings for legs, a graveyard of awkward treble clefs buried in her knees and I can see the suffering inside of the concert of her walk.
Her footsteps: they sound like the ignition to a father’s car the day that he decided that he was too thirsty to pour water on his own seed so when she calls me “daddy” I never really get excited because I know that it’s just the title that she gives the branches in her life that are destined to be abducted by the wind.
She comes over on Wednesdays. She walks into my room like a question that neither one of us has the courage to ask. Y’know sometimes, words, they get too heavy to sit on the ivory pedestals that we’ve built inside of our mouths. Y’know sometimes, our actions, they join hands and they become behaviors that are too complicated for lips to say out loud, so instead, we just liberate our flesh letting skin speak on our behalf, the language of those who are just as afraid of commitment as they are of being alone and we speak it like it’s our native tongue.
Honestly, I can’t tell you her favorite color… her middle name… or what her face looks like with the lights on. All I know is that we are both allergic to the exact same things: compliments… the word “beautiful”… and someone saying “I love you” with arms full of acceptance and sincerity on their breath.
Sometimes, I wonder what she carries in the luggage underneath her eyes. Sometimes, I-I wanna ask if those bags ever get too heavy for her face. But instead, I… I let those questions sandcastle inside of my stomach. I amputate the parts of me that have grown fond of her smell.
I wait until she leaves.
I wash my sheets.
And I think to myself, “most men would be proud of something like this.”

"Lopsided" - Rudy Francisco 

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Impulse Buys

You know that
you are his
terrible decision waiting
to happen

could you please, please just
bury your head in the
sand and never have to leave for a gasp of air

But that is a
"excuse me,
Is this seat taken?"

Monday, 14 October 2013

Do you ever just

I have found a new love. I'm sorry Benny. Everyone - Alexandre Cunha. You're welcome.

And, of course - 

30 minutes of my life on tumblr well spent


Friday, 11 October 2013


I dreamt of cling wrap and serial killers last night and I woke up essentially just unable to move because I was in sleep paralysis and when I tried to close my eyes the image of a kitchen knife piercing through cling wrap towards me just kept reappearing. So I lay there with my eyes open and unable to move for a while.

From whatever little I remember - it had something to do with thin but not beautiful women. Four in a row. They're those types that you will see following high fashion, but maybe lacking about 700 calories in their diet daily. I remember laughter, them fading, like a movie pan out along the corridor. Then cling wrap over my face and metal.

Why do we want and crave beauty? When we know, that starving ourselves is terrible and that heels mean weaker bones in the future. Besides, corsets are really really tight and you need to go for training before you can wear one so you don't, you know, die from internal bleeding or from puncturing your lungs.

10 bucks says it's because somewhere deep down we crave being just a little broken, to have something wrong with us that MAYBE someone will notice. To have a larger wound, to fall just a bit sicker so your co-workers are obliged to be nicer to you - it's no use suffering in silence.